Friday, 14 April 2023

#napowrmo2023 #day14 #thecave



The Cave

Are you sentient?

Fashioning your likeness.

Fastened with laughter and hot glue.

I try to jest about separation.

The last laugh is yours.

Today's prompt was a "challenge you to write a parody or satire based on a famous poem. It can be long or short, rhymed or not. But take a favorite (or unfavorite) poem of the past, and see if you can’t re-write it on humorous, mocking, or sharp-witted lines. You can use your poem to make fun of the original (in the vein of a parody), or turn the form and manner of the original into a vehicle for making points about something else (more of a satire – though the dividing lines get rather confused and thin at times).

I was inspired by Hilda Dollitle's poem The Pool.  It's less parody of her but more a little satricial poke at myself and how we make plans and the Gods' laugh.

Here's a link to the original The Pool.

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