Saturday, 22 April 2023

#napowrimo2023 #day22 #hungerforme



Hunger for me
Fame is a fickle food,
take a seat,
gaze upon the shifting plate,
gaze upon a starlet weary,
gaze upon a battle field,
each forkful feels so arbitrary.
Once seated as guest,
Consume till fit to burst.
Return for seconds, alas
there are slimmer pickings.
Slender forms, cosy up with
myths about calculating cameras.
Take away and keep subtracting
project flickering, hungry ghost.
When the battle lost
carrion crows find scant crumbs
little flesh on bones,
starlet wraith inspected,
not making the grade
Caw cawing, wings flapping
they’re off to better eating to
feast on farmer’s plumper corn.

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