Thursday, 20 April 2023

#napowrimo2023 #day20 #makeofitwhatyouwill



Make of it what you will

Broken statuary,
should, tradition states, be buried.
We brought Demeter all the way,
From Kefalonia, wrapped in a two towels,
an wedged in one of my boots.
Made it home in one piece.
Alas She didn’t survive the trip,
from suitcase to bookcase, when
darling husband took a tumble.
He’s digging a hole by the pear tree.

Demeter is now nestled between,
two guinea pigs and a hamster.
I leave it to future archaeologists,
to make of it what they will.
Small rodents were sacred to the Goddess?
Or that Viktor was high status
buried with grave goods that might
suggest he’s from a priestly caste,
with servants to attend him in
the afterlife.  Vik would have approved.


  1. An interesting take on the prompt! I like the mythological references and the image of Demeter ‘nestled between two guinea pigs and a hamster’.
