Sunday, 30 April 2023

#napowrimo2023 #day30 #clearlyIhaveloved


Clearly, I have loved,
before I knew the chough.
I learned love from the womb,
From time nestled under my mother’s breast,
From a long line of fierce matriarchs; grandmothers, aunts, friends of my mothers.
From indulgent grandfathers, sometimes absent father,
and a dad who taught me how to love beyond blood lines.
From my brother and a moped riding Santa.
From poets, and authors classical and modern and a book of words.
From lovers, who schooled that love could be disaster, perfection and something middling. 
From a child such a complete facsimile of myself and his father, 
combined to make a great kid and a fine young man.
From circle sisters who lift me with goose and angel wings, soft and downy.
From colleagues who have supped on mostly apples and raged at crags and cracks,
 while fighting to hold on.
From deities who showed me my own butt prints in the sand.
From nature who can pour balm on almost any ache.
All the times that I have faltered in loving myself this perfectly,
tenderly they have loved me harder to sing my soul back home. 
Clearly I have loved,
before I knew the chough

Saturday, 29 April 2023

#napowrimo2023 #day29 #vegancheese #sadnesssaltytearslies


We long for fromage 
that tastes not of feet or puke
Not a lot to ask!
Vegan cheese made of equal
parts, sadness, salty tears, lies.

Friday, 28 April 2023

#napowrimo2023 #day28 #tortureandexecution


Torture and execution    
                                    ...of witches
according to the malleus malefacrum
and summary executions 
by burning 
by hanging 
of children
decline of
final speech 
for sleeplessness 
horrific accounts of impact on the Belvoir witches
And James I involvement in the case of Agnes Samson 
as justified and essential 
last known in England location 
of play inspired by 
pressed to death 
sexual undertones 
stays of execution due to pregnancy 
and fear of the beholders 
unease over witch pricking

Thursday, 27 April 2023

#napowrimo2023 #day27 #bisonofmanyblessings


photo credit Donovan Wright
Kent Wildlife Trust


The bison of many blessings

at some point your mother steps
from the tree line and you are revealed
your aunts probably knew
but not your rangers
why would they expect pregnancy
when there’s not bull in sight?
proclaimed on social media 
a Christmas miracle
plausible deniability of a virgin birth
 biologically bison
 as a defence mechanism 
can conceal pregnancy
your existence a triumph
for rewilding 
welcome to the herd
a bonny bright eco-engineer 

Wednesday, 26 April 2023

#napowrimo2023 #day26 #ourcarol



"Our" Carol

Born on Christmas Eve.
"our" Carol has always been
a Christmas Carol, as
much like these festive songs,
she brings much joy.

However, Carol, is a derivative,
from Carolus, strong, 
masculine, a name of Kings.
An appropriate moniker for songs for
"the" King of Kings, but actually, 
 Carol, referenced the circle dance,
that was accompanied by singing.

While names, times, faces, places
are all liable to change,
"our" Carol, our Christmas Carol,
is usually just referred to as “mum”.

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

#napowrimo2023 #day25 #somehowihaveneverloved



somehow, I have never loved, before I loved a chough.

I spout lyrical, but spit no feathers
(although I never knew you, before I saw you).
Yes, other corvids have caught my eye,
Ravens croaking “Nevermore”
The Morrigan who transforms from
Queen to crow, both known for stalking battlefields.
Magpies, maggot pies, counting rhymes,
One for sorrow, two for joy.
The chough was to me unknown,
long time lost to Dover’s chalk.
You’d remember if you’d seen one,
with lips 
redder than roses,
redder than martyrs blood.
Persecuted, believed to be
A fire starter, a twisted fire starter.
Surveys in hand, to herald your return,
I tread streets of Dover, pausing only in
Community venues to revel in
revealing your historical and cultural significance.
Fashion your likeness into sock puppets or
more sophisticated origami models.

Monday, 24 April 2023

#napowrimo2023 #day24 #everyonesacritic

#napowrimo2023 #day24 #everyonesacritic 

Everyone’s a critic

Boar now critiques art
snorts with disgust, “that’s not a
very good hippo”.  Then
whispers in my minds ear “Touch
Me”.  Purchase badge to hush him. 


Sunday, 23 April 2023

#napowrimo2023 #day23 #whistlejoni

 #napowrimo2023 #day23 #whistlejoni

Whistle Joni 


You scrubbed my floors,
supervised youths
painting my walls,
muralising themselves
into my structures,
We knew it was temporary,
but my replacement,
wounds you, makes you
whistle Joni Mitchell.


You sat across from me,
chain smoking Mayfair lights,
we both knew a lot about
crucifixion, but we don’t
all need to be martyrs.
You wouldn’t leave,
on your own accord, but
one liberty too many, 
felt staying was consent.


World fell away when
you scurried down
my banks.  The thumping of
the urban heart drowned
out by the ripples and gurgles
of my gentle pumping veins.
I hid you with my willows,
Been your anchor
image ever since.


My curve has lured
you back.  I miss the teens,
you used to police, 
being cheaper than
security.  I bare witness
to the “old” young people
who missed you too.
I hear you’re plotting 
murals again.


Saturday, 22 April 2023

#napowrimo2023 #day22 #hungerforme



Hunger for me
Fame is a fickle food,
take a seat,
gaze upon the shifting plate,
gaze upon a starlet weary,
gaze upon a battle field,
each forkful feels so arbitrary.
Once seated as guest,
Consume till fit to burst.
Return for seconds, alas
there are slimmer pickings.
Slender forms, cosy up with
myths about calculating cameras.
Take away and keep subtracting
project flickering, hungry ghost.
When the battle lost
carrion crows find scant crumbs
little flesh on bones,
starlet wraith inspected,
not making the grade
Caw cawing, wings flapping
they’re off to better eating to
feast on farmer’s plumper corn.

Friday, 21 April 2023

#napowrimo2023 #day21 #teaindeceit



Tea in Deceit
We all tell
the odd white lie,
but you’ve made
deceit an art form.
Issuing fauxplogies
when tripping over
nets you wove
still masses seem unaware.
Cult of personality
suggests a personality
as a prerequisite.
Screech, "Fake news".
You spill tea, a
spectacle of martyrdom.
Links in comments
to swindle patrons.

Thursday, 20 April 2023

#napowrimo2023 #day20 #makeofitwhatyouwill



Make of it what you will

Broken statuary,
should, tradition states, be buried.
We brought Demeter all the way,
From Kefalonia, wrapped in a two towels,
an wedged in one of my boots.
Made it home in one piece.
Alas She didn’t survive the trip,
from suitcase to bookcase, when
darling husband took a tumble.
He’s digging a hole by the pear tree.

Demeter is now nestled between,
two guinea pigs and a hamster.
I leave it to future archaeologists,
to make of it what they will.
Small rodents were sacred to the Goddess?
Or that Viktor was high status
buried with grave goods that might
suggest he’s from a priestly caste,
with servants to attend him in
the afterlife.  Vik would have approved.

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

#napowrimo2023 #day19 #riddlemethis



As a child

I collected riddle books

my adult self believes

that I was fascinated

with language and how

clever words veiled meaning.

Truth revealed

I was terrified of meeting

a sphinx, cunning chimera

questioning hapless bystanders

What walks on four, two, three?

Devouring those too slow, 

unsure or plain ignorant.

I was a cultured, imaginative

child, I listened intently to story tapes

on trips to Walton-on-Naze

in Grandad’s Reliant Robin.

I crawled on four, I walked on two

I rode on three.

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

#napowrimo2023 #day18 #xeroxingyouzillions



Always being cautious,

deftly engages foes.

Granted her impulsive

judgements knocks limitations.


Nightly meetings,

opportunities, quiet

reflections, soon turn

ugly, violent worrying.


Xeroxing you zillions.

Monday, 17 April 2023

#napowrimo2023 #day17 #goldenecho


Golden Echo

Poor Narcissus, too

alluring, melts away, leaves

just a tiny bloom.


Sunday, 16 April 2023

#napowrimo2023 #day16 #harpiesspeech



The harpies’ speech*

This is the one speech no one
would like to forget: the speech
that is avoidable.

The speech that frees women
to surrender onboard as individuals,
uneven, blind to swollen, fleshy feet.

the speech everybody forgets
because no one who has seen it
is alive and similarly, equally, can be obliviated.

I won’t listen to your revelations,
and if I won’t, I reluctantly cede you
into these skinned cat rags!

I don't enjoy it here
squatting on this island
looking grotesque but pedestrian.

with no scaled, sane persons,
I do despise your speech,
singular, nonfatal and worthless.

I won’t listen to your revelations,
to me, never to me.
Go away.  This speech

is a whisper for hurt: Hurt you!
Never me, never may I,
be exceptionally unremarkable

at no time. Thankfully
it is not an interesting speech
redundant, yet it never fails.

Today’s prompt is a poem of negation – yes (or maybe, no), we were challenged to write a poem that involves describing something in terms of what it is not, or not like. For example, if you chose a whale as the topic of your poem, you might have lines like “It does not settle down in trees at night, cooing/Nor will it fit in your hand.”

I was a little off prompt today, my friend @trinitypoet is writing her dissertation and one of the poets she is writing about is Margaret Atwood and the poem Siren Song and it got me thinking what would be you describe a siren's song in opposition?  I got Harpies' speech, so I did this to the entire poem and loved how it turned out.

Here's Margaret Atwood's original Siren Song.    

Saturday, 15 April 2023

#napowrmo2023 #day15 #theyletyougrabthembythewhat


They let you grab them by the what?

In defence they argued
that they were electing a leader,
not a school teacher.

I ponder how many Tic Tacs 
it would take to induce
any women to kiss you?

You claim magnetism,
true you attract and repulse,
though gold is a good conductor.

After you meteoric fall,
your base holds firm, I
argue with men online.

About how not all
compliments are flattering,
like cat calls or casual sexual assault.  

Today's prompt, begin by reading June Jordan’s “Notes on the Peanut.” Now, think of a person – real or imagined – who has been held out to you as an example of how to be of live, but who you have always had doubts about. Write a poem that exaggerates the supposedly admirable qualities of the person in a way that exposes your doubts.

While I'm not sure that I ever found any admirable qualitites for Trump, this is where the poem went.  I think most of the admirable qualities he is alleged to possess and pretty much "fake news".

Friday, 14 April 2023

#napowrmo2023 #day14 #thecave



The Cave

Are you sentient?

Fashioning your likeness.

Fastened with laughter and hot glue.

I try to jest about separation.

The last laugh is yours.

Today's prompt was a "challenge you to write a parody or satire based on a famous poem. It can be long or short, rhymed or not. But take a favorite (or unfavorite) poem of the past, and see if you can’t re-write it on humorous, mocking, or sharp-witted lines. You can use your poem to make fun of the original (in the vein of a parody), or turn the form and manner of the original into a vehicle for making points about something else (more of a satire – though the dividing lines get rather confused and thin at times).

I was inspired by Hilda Dollitle's poem The Pool.  It's less parody of her but more a little satricial poke at myself and how we make plans and the Gods' laugh.

Here's a link to the original The Pool.

Thursday, 13 April 2023

#napowrmo2023 #day13 #stopovaryacting



Stop ovary-acting

Knock knock!
Whose there?
Not my uterus, womb, cervix, fallopian tubes or ovaries.
I not sure that I got the punchline right.
But I get to blame that on menopause now.

Wednesday, 12 April 2023

#napowrimo2023 #day12 #dearpoetry



Dear Poetry

Most days we seem to
Manage to rustle up a
Haiku – small and sweet.

Some days we need a
bit more room to stretch out, we
embrace a Tanka.
Extra syllables help tease
out images add panache.

April, NaPoWriMo we just go mad.  Exploring form and metre, we run a gamut from sonnets to sea shanties, might even go wild with free verse.

Tuesday, 11 April 2023




Overheard in a field
I heard a pheasants
lusty call, I don’t have words
to reciprocate.
I solemnly reply that
I’m not a pheasant plucker!

Just a tiny Tanka today as still recovering from yesterday's seizure.

Monday, 10 April 2023

#napowrimo2023 #day10 #Whatshallwedoduringcovid



Day 10
What shall we do during Covid
What shall we do during Covid?
What shall we do during Covid?
What shall we do during coved?
Each and every morning!
Way hay can we go out yet?
Way hay can we go out yet?
Way hay can we go out yet?
Each and every morning!
Banana bread we were baking
Banana bread we were baking
Banana bread we were baking
Each and every morning!
Way hay can we go out yet?
Way hay can we go out yet?
Way hay can we go out yet?
Each and every morning!
Sang TikTok shanties sadly sober
Sang TikTok shanties sadly sober
Sang TikTok shanties sadly sober
Each and every morning!
Way hay can we go out yet?
Way hay can we go out yet?
Way hay can we go out yet?
Each and every morning!
Bought a puppy took him walkies
Bought a puppy took him walkies
Bought a puppy  took him walkies
Each and every morning!
Way hay can we go out yet?
Way hay can we go out yet?
Way hay can we go out yet?
Each and every morning!
Met on Zoom dressed from the waist up
Met on Zoom dressed from the waist up
Met on Zoom dressed from the waist up
Each and every morning!
Way hay can we go out yet?
Way hay can we go out yet?
Way hay can we go out yet?
Each and every morning!
That's what we did during covid
That's what we did during covid
That's what we did during covid
Each and every morning!
Way hay can we go out yet?
Way hay can we go out yet?
Way hay can we go out yet?
Each and every morning!
Way hay can we go out yet?
Way hay can we go out yet?
Way hay can we go out yet?
Each and every morning!

Sunday, 9 April 2023

#napowrimo2023 #day9 #Easter #Eostre #bunnies #eggs

Easter, Ishtar, Eostre, bunnies, and eggs

Compare you both to an Easter Sunday?
Two pagan friends, double the loveliness.
March’s lion has it’s welcome outstayed.
April’s lamb we spy with much covetousness.
Spring’s bashful sun has risen warmly shines,
Did Christian fathers borrow natures renewal?
Devilish mimicry the church opines.
Fierce debate each is year, rowdily fuelled
History overwhelmed twisted to fit
Who stole what, debated in online duels
Like a Passion play or long repeated skit.
Easter, Ishtar, Eostre, bunnies, and eggs
We’ll ignore the fuss, cuddle lambs instead.