Napowrimo Day 1 / 2018
Prompt - A Guilty Secret Poem
Only She Can Judge Me
There are worse secrets
Still people are shocked
When I confess
I really, really like...
Still people are shocked
When I confess
I really, really like...
A diminutive realityTV star
Whose wisdom shines far
Surely Solomon reborn
In the TV courtroom genre
Whose wisdom shines far
Surely Solomon reborn
In the TV courtroom genre
Endless streams of litigants
Seek binding arbitration
Over such foul and heinous acts
Dodgy prom gowns, loans owing
Seek binding arbitration
Over such foul and heinous acts
Dodgy prom gowns, loans owing
Pets attack, who should pay
The mounting ER bill
Whose fault the fender bender
Fear not all will be revealed
The mounting ER bill
Whose fault the fender bender
Fear not all will be revealed
Her pithy quips fall from her lips
Defendants are left raging
When Judge Judy exclaims
"Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining"
Defendants are left raging
When Judge Judy exclaims
"Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining"
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