Monday, 30 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 30 - Randoms
Sunday, 29 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 29 - Sweet Rabbit
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 29
Prompt - Write a poem based on the Plath Poetry Project’s calendar.*
Original poem The Rabbit Catcher - Sylvia Plath
*Again another busy day and another tired Napowrimo participant so I chose to do another erasure poem.
Sweet Rabbit
Saturday, 28 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 28 - It had been a really good day
Friday, 27 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 27 - The Empress
The Empress
beneath your gown, fertile,
creative, ripening
the grain, poppies at your feet.
Citadel your diadem.
darker aspect. Punishing
Gods' and man, who take
What is not theirs to give. You
Withdraw your gifts, we see dread
Demeter, life denying.
Wednesday, 25 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 26 - Sense of seizure
whips, frantically looking
for an orange.
I could not describe until
I tried a red bull.
gut a feeling of dread,
impending crisis.
flickering eyelids flutter
like butterfly wings.
gentle words, reassuring
anchor me to body
Tuesday, 24 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 25 - Warning
Placate with regular hugs.
Prone to word er ..... loss
and sudden jerking movements.
Allow regular napping.
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 24 - Elegy for a Jiggly Fruit
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 24
Prompt - Write an elegy.
Elegy for a Jiggly Fruit.
Jenny Jiggly Fruit Luddington.
She came, she saw, she made -
people say "What the fuck'?
A lot.
We stand at her grave.
We do not weep.
We're not entirely sure -
She won't leap.
Laugh and chastise us -
simultaneously, for being moist.
Take your pot of bubbles.
Blow, leave luscious leeks.
Yes the vegetable.
Token that you knew her.
Loved her fecundity.
Cackle whenever North is called
Monday, 23 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 23 - "Pinions are Leaking"
Sunday, 22 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 22 - With sufficient thrust, pigs CAN fly
Friday, 20 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 21 - Echo had stopped calling.
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 21 - Echo had stopped calling.
Prompt - write a poem that plays with the myth of Narcissus.
"Farewell, dear boy. Beloved in vain"
Narcissus knew his
looks had faded, not by the
the treachery of
the pools still reflection, but
Echo had stopped calling him.
Like the flower that
bears his name, coaxed from bud
to bloom, withering
as cruel April turns up the
heat, sapping vitality.
Passion fades, you can
exhaust yourself, try to rage
against the process.
Perceive ageing as sin, still
Echo had stopped calling him.

Narcissus is affixed to his own reflection in the spring. J.W. Waterhouse, 1903. Public domain.
Thursday, 19 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 19 - Slip Up
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 19 - Slip Up
Prompt - Write a paragraph that briefly recounts a story, describes the scene outside your window, or even gives directions from your house to the grocery store. Now try erasing words from this paragraph to create a poem or, alternatively, use the words of your paragraph to build a new poem.
A slip-up by supermarket.
Woman charged
£930 for a single banana.
Fraud team stop.
Apparent "computer error"
'enjoy this banana, cherish every mouthful'
Baffled banana drama.
Eyes peeled.
Error investigating.
Never again.
Tuesday, 17 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 18 - Symphony of the Spheres
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 18
Prompt - Write a poem by finding a poem you're unfamiliar with. Starting with the final line uncover the poem a line at a time, write a response.
Symphony of the Spheres
The stars boil over
and fall. If you catch one you
can make a wish. If!
Is the crux we're all chasing
our own star, crashing, dropping.
The Milky Way over
flows. Too much stress, heat, stirring.
The cauldron boils over
No-one shouted - 'stop little
pot stop". Magic words not used.
At the apex of
night. We waited for sleep to
release the worries
of day. To sink into the
possibilities of dreams.
Of someone handsome.
Though handsome is as
handsome does actions
are far more important than
ornamentation, usually.
I listen to songs.
I know that I am a note.
In a beautiful
symphony. Never dull or
discordant, I ring out true.
My poem for inspiration.
Person of the Playful Star: Tanka [I listen to songs]
Tada Chimako
I listen to songs
of someone handsome
at the apex of night
the Milky Way overflows
the stars boil over and fall
Monday, 16 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 17 - Censures
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 17
Prompt - Write a poem re-telling a family anecdote that has stuck with you over time.
Nan had her opinions
on appropriate funeral
attire. Censures.
Two more cheeks to powder
and a bit more hair to curl.
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 16 - Play
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 16 - Play
Prompt - Write a poem that prominently features the idea of play.
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. George Bernard Shaw
A sign above my
managers desk. Words I try
to live by. Watch me
horsey galloping, neighing
as I monopoly dash.
Sunday, 15 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 15 / Old Wolfy
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 15 - Old Wolfy
Prompt - Write poem in which a villain faces an unfortunate situation, and is revealed to be human (but still evil).
I wrote a poem last year from the perspective of Grandma from Little Red Riding Hood. This year I thought I would write from the perspective of the wolf. Also the poem is homage to performance poet Joseph Coelho, who I recently performed Fairy Tales Gone Bad. Which has inspired this poem.
I'm a pale shade.
A shadow of my former
glorious, shaggy self.
They stand around,
crowing, mawkish grins,
congratulating themselves.
Ding, dong
the wolf is dead.
The wicked wolf is dead.
They've killed the villain
of the piece.
But that's not the full story.
Back at the den.
There is a litter
Of cute, defenceless, furry cubs.
Their mother died.
Whelping them.
I was all they had in the world.
I didn't want to roam far.
Or feed them
rangy old Grandma meat.
But she was convenient.
Then I saw young red.
Thought that she'd be tender.
Easier to drag
back to the den.
Oh cubs what tiny mouths you have.
They were dependent on me.
Now they too.
Shall perish like all flesh.
They call me monster.
An animal.
But I know about pack.
How monstrous to leave
Grandma in a shack
by the edge of the forest.
All alone bar the odd visit.
From the girl
with a basket full of goodies.
I don't blame the humans.
Nature is red.
In tooth and claw.
Redder than that
cloak and everyone knows
Humans are vicious predators.
Friday, 13 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 14 - Wobbly Table
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 14
Prompt - Write a dream analysis.
Wobbly Table
It's appearance in
your dream portends, ill health. Green
tea contrail reading
may also feature in your
future, in your day dreaming.
Thursday, 12 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 13 - Taking The Proverbial
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 13
Prompt - Write a poem in which the words or meaning of a familiar phrase get up-ended.
Taking The Proverbial
A lot of ignorance is an untroubled commodity.
Too few raw foodists improve the kale.
ALL play and no work makes Jenny a sharp girl.
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 12 - Colossus
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 12
Prompt - Write a Halibun.
A statue of titanic proportions. Possibly straddling the harbour at Rhodes. Sculpted and erected by Chares of Lindos. A wonder of the Ancient World. Standing 70 cubits high. Reduced to rubble by earthquake in 226 BC. Never rebuilt the Delphic oracle decreed the statue offended Helios
Rhodian deer now
stand. A buck a doe, flank
the harbour, elegant.
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 11 - Dear Future Me
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 11 Dear Future Me
Prompt - A poem that addresses the future, answering the questions “What does y(our) future provide?
Dear Future Me
Dare was our word to
conjure with how did that work
out? Fire walking, stretch
business, collaborations,
daring greatly, bud then bloomed.
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 10 - Wish you were here.
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 10 - Wish you were here.
Prompt - Write a poem where things simultaneously happen.
Small girl gingerly
enters pool. Fae like arms raised.
Water welcomes her.
Older brother booms
cannon balling to displace
quiet and stillness.
Tiny poetess
Taps Haikus on her lil black
phone. Wish you were here.
Sunday, 8 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 9 - Shield Wall
Prompt - Write a poem where something big and small come together.
Shield Wall
of troubles that reported
for duty. It can
fuck right off. Our shield wall forms
interlocked, protect each other.
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 8 - Cauldron
In my grief
Fly caught in resin
Hardening, tightening
A sad, hidden thing
Whispered at 3am
On Life Journal pages
Tak ta ta Tak
Pain almost silently
The tears fell
I thought I might drown
Or choose not to breathe
Magical witnesses
Who knew the power
Of grieving
Who gave me a gift
I keened.
A cauldron of fire
To transmute
Pain into healing
Saturday, 7 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 7 - Authentic Epileptic Priestess
Prompt create a list of your identities, decide if they make you feel powerful or vulnerable then right a poem where identities contends identity from the second list.
An Epileptic
Call me that and you’ll rue your word choice
I *am* a person with epilepsy
An a selection of other brain cooties
I get paranoid at the fragrant smell of citrus
When it’s too hot, too bright or
I’m too stressed, too hungry or
I’m just brewing a bug
Any of those could signal
Curtains down and I’m afraid no refunds can be offered
We decided long ago
Horizontal break dancing was too
Avant Guard For Folkestone
No robes, just a parker, jeans and welly boots
Tramping or bimbling over the land
Holding spaces online and off
Winking as I watch the wheel turn
Grumbling at Pagan Maybe Time
Pockets of stones, stray leaves and drift wood
Dancing barefoot with Pan playing the Maenad
Before rushing off to the office
We don’t pay priestesses, so a girl needs a day job
To keep her incense and occasional shiny things
Brushing off bullshit of the how a path should be walked
Just forging my own authentic trail
Friday, 6 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 6 - Liminal
Prompt - Poem that plays with line breaks.
Thursday, 5 April 2018
Naprowrimo 2018 / Day 5 - Mesmerised
Det er som en have hvor alting
frarøves sit navn af den store juveltyv.
kingkong af alle køn du råber til mig: “Giv osss ssskæbner! Læn dig ud! Før kan vi ikke fortælle dig. Lille hjerte.”
Wednesday, 4 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 4 - Ictal States
Prompt - A poem about something abstract
Ictal States
Have you ever had a copper at the door?
Your heart beats faster, stomach feels hollow.
A wave of sickness rises.
Sometimes I can 'do' but not speak.
Heavy tongue permits no words.
But I might, wordlessly hand you my glasses.
Gravitate to a safe looking space on the floor.
Sometimes I run away, reptile brain, supposes
That flashes and flickering can be outrun.
Words of comfort a reassurance. “I'm here, your safe".
Listen to the drumming of the rain on the roof.
Coming back into myself eyes open lights too bright.
Tap tap tap my face. If you know me that's my sign.
Fetch my tortoiseshell tinted glasses.
Soften the glare of the bright halogen lights.
Coming back into my body, after jerks shake.
I can't yet articulate this is normal for me.
Mere tremors as the topography of my body settles.
If you know me now you tell me my husband is on the way.
Even if his not. As I babble .
"This is not my floor"
"I'm not a pterodactyl"
“Where's my baby“ (plot twist he's grown up, 24, this terrifies strangers and paramedics)
"They took it away and made it for cars"
Tears flooded my face, heart pounds , breaths gasped.
Finally exhaustion overtakes, fall into sleep

Tuesday, 3 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 3 - Rock Star
Rock Star*
I wanna start a rock band
I think it would wicked
I've list of names I like
For your approval I submit...
dairy milk wrapper purple and spring.
With all this inspiration
I'll be Folkestone's next big thing.
The names are ...
Amethyst's Midnight Pagans
The Loud Pagans's Club
Queen Dairy Milk Purple
Between the Rubies and Me
Mistress of the Rock Guinea Pigs
Rock Dream and a Pinch of Diamond
Rage Against the Crystals
Flight of the Dairy Milk Purple Guinea Pigs
Undercover Diamond and the Rock Rubies
The Loud Service
The Rock Heroes of Folkestone
Taking Back Spring
Rock Diamond Cult

Monday, 2 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 2 - Lift, fall / Fall, lift
lift, fall sustaining
Fall, lift constraining
Sunday, 1 April 2018
Napowrimo 2018 / Day 1 - Only She Can Judge Me

Still people are shocked
When I confess
I really, really like...
Whose wisdom shines far
Surely Solomon reborn
In the TV courtroom genre
Seek binding arbitration
Over such foul and heinous acts
Dodgy prom gowns, loans owing
The mounting ER bill
Whose fault the fender bender
Fear not all will be revealed
Defendants are left raging
When Judge Judy exclaims
"Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining"