Monday, 4 April 2022

#NaPoWriMo2022 #day4 #poetryischildsplay

Poetry is child's play

1. Befriend people with small children.
2. Become bestest faux Aunty, have pockets full of interesting rocks and ribbons.
3. Regularly offer to take small people to park or other nature based activity .
4. DO NOT walk too fast.
5. Get down on small people's level, see through their eyes. Borrow their wonder.
6. Observe how smalls invent language, steal like a baby, listen, babble, repeat, become fluent. 
7. Invent words, devise meaning, forget dusty dictionaries dictated by dour dudes. 
8. Be playful, love a little 
aliteration, take on tongue twisters, savour how words sound and relish the feel on teeth and lips.
9. Share excitedly with no thought of rejection, share safe in the knowledge that everything you produce is good enough. 
10. Scribble your verses down on pretty pastel pages, annotate in the margins, let creativity bleed through the page like cheap felt tips. Proudly gift poems to people to exhibit on their fridge.

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