Saturday, 30 April 2022

#napowrimo2022 #day30 #itooconfessalongwithsylvia


I too confess along with Sylvia 

First, are you our sort of a person?
A man in black with a Meinkampf look
And a love of the rack and the screw.  
And I a smiling woman.   
I am your valuable,   
In my Victorian nightgown.
Pure? What does it mean?
The sheets grow heavy as a lecher’s kiss.
The aguey tendon, the sin, the sin. 
Drip and thicken, tears
O love, how did you get here?   

Photo credit Everett

Friday, 29 April 2022

#napowrimo2022 #day29 #shewhowissmissed

She who was missed off the guest list
The one who foretold
the princess would one
day prick her finger
on a spinning wheel,
did not curse the heroine.
Rather she gifted her
With powerful charms…

To prioritise self-care, to rest when you need too.
To create an impenetrable barrier of briar thorns, keeping her boundaries intact.
To find a host of fairy godmothers who would forever have her back.

It was society that cursed her,
to think she needed a prince
with a questionable position on consent
to complete her.

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

#napowrimo2022 #day27 #earnest

If I’m Earnest 

Over tired
over screened
it’s hard asking
for adjustments
even when prompted
then to be ignored
especially when
we’re discussing
the importance
of being inclusive.

*Off prompt today and a little bit moody - so releasing in a poem

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

#napowrimo2022#day26 #circe



They called themselves men.
Walking on two legs,
Thought themselves civilised,
refined, even.

I am a mistress or magic.
I see things as they are,
not as they are projected.
I saw them sordid, corrupt.
When the abused,
my opulent hospitality.
Desirous of plundering
ALL my treasures.
Lower than beasts of
the field, so if the snout
fits…and it was easy
with a touch to transform them.

Falling to all fours,
screaming, well like stuck pigs,
though for now they’re whole,
to savour their own lechery.

Who knows, if the fancy
takes me, for slow braised
pig’s cheeks or stuffed trotters,
(they don’t know I’m vegan).
What do their little piggy
eyes express? Terror?  
Remorse? Do they fear
I share their mortal gluttony?

Monday, 25 April 2022

#napowrimo2022 #day25 #steanswythe


St Eanswythe

Our Lady of Folkestone
Yearning for a chaste and pious life.
Courted by a Pagan king
challenged him grow a beam,
his Gods’ fail, so legend says.
While her prayers are all granted.
A monastic calling conferred.
Diverting water to flow uphill.
Resurrecting pilfering geese,
From the bones of servant’s feast.
All these miracles accorded to our saint. 
I don’t know why she calls to me?
With my wayward Pagan soul.
Perhaps she just sees another
wild goose sister flying free?

Photo credit Dr Lily Hawker-Yates

Sunday, 24 April 2022

#napowrimo2022 #day24 #WorldDomination

World domination…
One craft fayre at a time

Alarming as
a gaggle of enraged
geese, the ladies
of Kent Goddess Group
descended on the fayre,
to malfunction and destroy.

Visible as
A neon sign, but twice
as loud. Cackling,
There could be
doubt, something
wicked this way comes.

Sylvie’s innocent as
a cloistered nun,
pulls out innocuous
crochet crafts. Until her sleight
hands jerk severed heads.

Photo credit Sylvie Queenie Hirst

Saturday, 23 April 2022

#napowrimo2022 #day23 #youcanlead


"You can lead..."

You can lead a horse
to water but
you cannot
make it drink.

You can lead a
student to learning
but you cannot
make her think.

You can lead a politician
to public office
but you cannot
make him serve.
They may not be
thirsty, bright or honest,
indeed you may lead
but in turn they may swerve.

Photo credit Reuters.

Friday, 22 April 2022

#napowrimo2022 #day22 #guiltismoreweight

Guilt is “more weight”

Guilt at surviving, particularly if you ever tried and failed.

Guilt why them not me?

Guilt obstructs healing.

Guilt a covert enemy blasts again, again, and again.

Guilt you didn’t know.

Guilt you didn’t see.

Guilt you couldn’t control the choices others made.

Guilt a solitary prison, ponder how many are incarcerated?

Guilt a pale shade haunting.

Guilt anger inverted?

Guilt at feeling guilty, you know it doesn’t bring them back.

Guilt an endless litany.

Guilt, witch pressing, each rock slowly collapsing lungs.

Guilt when gasp, shaking off crushing weight and think about moving forward.

Thursday, 21 April 2022

#napowrimo2022 #day21 #thankyou

"Thank you"

Thank you, for teaching me
the right time to walk away,
to vigorously tend my boundaries,
to refuse to shut up, shrinking,
dimming my light so yours looked
brighter didn’t serve either of us.

Thank you, for teaching me
the right time to walk away,
to vigorously tend my boundaries,
to refuse to sacrifice my physical
and mental health of the altar
of local authority youth work.

Thank you, for teaching me
the right time to dive deeper,
to vigorously tend my cerebral
cauldron, to know how to brew
it up and how to say stop little pot,
stop, thank you too for the Bell Jar.

Exactly when will we no longer need these lessons?

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

#napowrimo2022 #day20 #cocomee


We can’t keep doing this babe!
Every time I promise myself,
tonight I’ll make a different choice.
I know the definition of madness.

Repeating the same actions,
Expecting a different outcome.
Does the waitress recognise me?
Does she acknowledge my illicit struggle?

She graciously hands me a menu.
I unfold the linen napkin, like a gift,
softly place it upon my lap, fingers
lovingly trace the name of each dish.

I ponder my dilemma, what I want
what I think I think I want, crushed
by a burden of choice, I cave…
Order a damned, delicious bento box, again.

Monday, 18 April 2022

#napowrimo2022#day19 #donttrythisathome

"Don’t Try This At Home*
Don’t head butt showers,
it’s not smart, headaches begin,
you will feel like the
saddest girl in the world, start
striking dates from diary.

*still feeling a little meh so just a tiny Tanka.

#napowrimo2022 #day18 #sovereynetee


1. To smash that glass ceiling into a million, billion iddy, biddy pieces, oh, and equal pay for equal work would be great.
2. Political representation, we make up 51% of the population, visibility in corridors of power matters, and strong female leaders are needed to inspire a new generation of young women and girls.
3. Keep out of our reproductive organs and choices, a uterus doesn’t need policing, thanks. We are totally aware of their strange and mystical powers!
4. To be safe, to have rape and sexual assault taken seriously, and not to be twice victimised by the current legal system.
5. End casual everyday misogyny, no “lady” tortilla chips that are quiet, no locker room talk, no absolutely no “grabbing us by the pussy”. Catcalling, harassment, being passed over, of coffee runs, being barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen fixing you a sammich, expectations of shouldering all the emotional labour…it chip, chip, chips away at our equality, and quite frankly we're exhausted, let's embrace loudness, intersectionality, taking up space.

Sunday, 17 April 2022

#napowrimo2022 #day17 #bootdogmystery

“Boot Dog”
And the mystery of the missing rocket lolly.

I was always very smol,
this is a fact recorded in poetry elsewhere,
however, when I was even smoler,
Uncle Dave had a VERY BIG dog.

A Weimaraner, I’ve had to
Run down stairs and ask my dad
the dog’s name, he was called,
according to my father “Boot Dog”.

I remember, being at my nan’s,
sitting in the living room,
on a sultry summers day,
cooling myself with a rocket ship lolly.

This hefty grey ghost,
eyed my scrumptious frozen
treat. Squeezed his not inconsiderable
frame up onto my miniscule lap.

He was gentle, but determined,
with his lengthy rough tongue,
lapped up yellow, orange and red.
My petite little legs failed as levers.

My outraged utterances unheard
70lbs of sturdy dog makes quite good
soundproofing. Mum pops her head round
Says “You ate that fast”. Boot Dog lols.

Saturday, 16 April 2022

#napowrimo2022 #day16 #easterrituals

Late offering, yesterday's migraine knocked me out a little, but I think the poem is even better now after a little inspiration from Toni Bowe's Easter celebration pics. Some of the lore around Easter confuses me a bit, so here it is in a poem form. Had tried to work the ryhme scheme out reading the "Pied Beauty" example and got muddled should have just Googled it's abcabcdbcdc.

"Easter Rituals"

Easter rituals have always confused me a little.
Why is it a moveable feast, rather than a fixed date?
Jesus was the lamb of God, knew doubt and fear,
Faith a precious thing, though freshly tempered, is brittle
Spring lamb, burned flesh offerings, a shared killing fate.
Spiced buns break Lenten feast, heal the sick all year.

Sunday, a bunny brings a basket full of sweet treats.
The children are excited, hunting games are great.
Eggs painted, rolled and small faces with chocolate smears.
Simnel cake sans, marzipan Judas, for afters to eat.
Mix up of traditions here.

Friday, 15 April 2022

#NaPoWriMo2022 #Day15 #WhyGirlsDontLikeFootball

So disinterested in my topic, I couldn’t even craft my own words, so instead I have harvested a found poem from a Guardian article comments section on why girls don’t like football. Any original contributions are in square parentheses. I’ve included a link to the guardian article.
“Why don’t girls like football”

I couldn’t give a monkeys about football.
[a gallant male jumps into mansplain –
on queries about why women shun the beautiful game].

It's sad to get excited about 21 men
kicking an inflated pig's gut
around a couple of times a week.

Did nobody explain the offside rule when I was 3?

Footie is dominated by the Geezers.
I'd say it’s all dahn to conditioning.
Funny ole game, life, innit?

I would rather watch paint dry
than see (or play) [or write a poem about] a football match.,5753,-22147,00.html

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

#napowrimo2022 #day14 #itwouldhavetobeamusical

"It would have to be a musical"

My life couldn’t be a movie.
It would have to be a musical. 
In a proper old-fashioned theatre,
uptown, steep-stairs, velvet, gilt, opulence.

A small orchestra, to play the myriad
of rousing show tunes, you can
hear them tuning up.
You predict that you’ll be tapping your feet. 

Prior to finding your seat
You have been fleeced of you cash,
For an overpriced beverage,
a packet of Revels and a souvenir brochure. 

Before the safety curtain lifts,
you would be reminded that
photography, video and
audio recordings are prohibited.

You anticipate carefully choreographed
above the waist dancing. 
High drama, costume changes, minor peril.
Your heroine triumphs against the odds

You know you will leave lighter,
full of joy, a brief emotional outlet.
Escape from a world of war,
pestilence, poverty, and corruption. 

Musical theatre is cheaper than therapy.
Effects will last if you remember,
to sing into your hairbrush,
belting out the catchier numbers.

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

#napowrimo2022 #day13 #13luckyforsome

Inspired by the Nonet, trying a poem with 13 syllables and then dropping one of each line.

"13 Lucky for Some"

Himself suggested a trip to Buckingham Palace.  
Okay, if you like says I. Heaven knows that were
not really monarchists, but marriage is about
compromise. We might see the Changing of
the Guards, we sit beneath a cherry tree,
blossom falling round our faces,
surprise, he pulls two tickets,
out, reveals a “Wicked”
treat, completes a
hat trick.

Monday, 11 April 2022

#napowrimo2022 #Day12 #isitart

Is it art?

Fountain no longer
flows, three towers blinded by
light, dig through Thames trash,
seamlessly cobbled, collated
questioning, is this all art?

Sunday, 10 April 2022

#napowrimo2022 #Day11 #jenlud #O2


The O2 feels huge.
Mammoth, mahoosive, monster,
possibly other,
sundry words beginning with 
'M'.  People-y but I'm fine.  

Papa's got me!

#napowrimo2022 #day10 #loveis

"Love is"

Love is my circle.
Sisters, show up, share, support.
Cherish the spiral.

Saturday, 9 April 2022

#napowrimo2022 #day9 #TheWheel

“The Wheel”

The Wheel turns, each season’s progress marked.
Through melting snowfall peek snowdrops,
ASBO daffodils, catkins,
confetti blossoms blown,
and spring lambs frolic,
April poets
wake, grab pens
note pads,

Friday, 8 April 2022

#napowrimo2022 #day8 #shortismysuperpower

Short is my superpower

My students dubbed me
SMOL (small and adorable),
short is my superpower.

Don’t call on me for painting ceilings,
but skirting boards, I’m your gal,
no back-breaking but a great bum shuffle.

When I am the grateful recipient of a lift
I require no seat adjustment,
look I have acres of room.

At concerts I am pushed to the front,
hold my hand I’ll take you with me,
dodge and weave, thank you, thank you.

Paying adult prices for adult shoes?
I don’t think so and by happy chance,
I love unicorns, rainbows, and butterflies.

Should we get intimate, close, and cosy,
you bet I make a great little spoon,
I warn you now though I snore, and hog covers.

It’s often been said, great things come
in small packages (like arsenic)  
I will always lend a hand with irksome issues.

Thursday, 7 April 2022

#napowrimo2022 #day7 #curiositykillednocat

"Curiosity killed a cat, satisfaction brought it back."

Curiosity killed no cat

The cat was curious,
but she surely had heard
of Schrodinger’s callousness.
No clever kitty would
cast off cautiousness 
climb into a sealed container,
just to sate a scientists 
silly thought experiment.
Satisfied that she knew
better, she batts the box
off with a conscious, intentional
purrfectly positioned paw.
Satisfied not slain she strutted off.


Wednesday, 6 April 2022

#napowrimo2022 #day6 #wordsbreathelife

Words Breathe Life

Out, lost in the middle
of a literary mythos
the silent woman or hushed? Reduced to
ash, yet your verses remain firebrands.
I was kindled,
rise bright phoenix, generations fly
with you, scarlet, gold, and blazing
my understanding is fruitful
red poems opportunities for reinvention,
hair untamed a rewilded woman.
And you are so much more
I see you sneer at peanut-crunchers,
eat, consuming everything but ridiculous
men who understand nothing,
like you’re a teenage rite of passage insubstantial as
air, willfully ignorant, that your words breathe life.

Tuesday, 5 April 2022

#napowrimo2022 #day5 #embrassingproblems

The question seldom addressed is where Medusa had snakes. Underarm hair is an even more embarrassing problem when it keeps biting the top of the deodorant bottle.

Terry Pratchett Soul Music

Embarrassing Problems

Perusing the aisles

in Tesco. Aerosol or

roll on? The hissing

serpents wheeze when particles

are sprayed, a toxic hazard.

Trolley boys duck and

cover, so potential for

five fingered discount!

Emboldened, sinful serpents

Indicate Sure Cotton Dry.

Medusa, ponders

the problems of single-use

plastics and wonders

how hard it might be to make

your own? Vows to Google search.

Monday, 4 April 2022

#NaPoWriMo2022 #day4 #poetryischildsplay

Poetry is child's play

1. Befriend people with small children.
2. Become bestest faux Aunty, have pockets full of interesting rocks and ribbons.
3. Regularly offer to take small people to park or other nature based activity .
4. DO NOT walk too fast.
5. Get down on small people's level, see through their eyes. Borrow their wonder.
6. Observe how smalls invent language, steal like a baby, listen, babble, repeat, become fluent. 
7. Invent words, devise meaning, forget dusty dictionaries dictated by dour dudes. 
8. Be playful, love a little 
aliteration, take on tongue twisters, savour how words sound and relish the feel on teeth and lips.
9. Share excitedly with no thought of rejection, share safe in the knowledge that everything you produce is good enough. 
10. Scribble your verses down on pretty pastel pages, annotate in the margins, let creativity bleed through the page like cheap felt tips. Proudly gift poems to people to exhibit on their fridge.

Sunday, 3 April 2022

#NaPoWriMo2022 #day3 #IRiseAbove

Of prompt today, with another tiny Tanka, a) because I am off adventuring and b) I've been on the gin and the glossa seems too complicated for my lil socially lubricated brain to manage. 

"Every day… Every day, I rise above it, the things people say. I walk into a room or down a street, and I see the way people look at me, and the things they say, and I rise above, because I trained myself to'.

Anne Lister 

To sit at her desk.
Think of her rising above. 
How her example 
inspired countless others,
nothing is impossible.

Saturday, 2 April 2022



GLACITATE, like an
enraged goose, for Gods' alone
know our words are not
working. Terrorise MP's,
mischievous beaks, fury.

Friday, 1 April 2022


The Body. The Brain.

It's all in your head, they said. I ruminated whilst drinking coffee, reading poems and half listening to a conspiracy theorist elucidate on the Will slap (apparently Hollywood is all paedos and vaccine pushers and its all a distraction from Bidden's laptop).

They reckon its all in MY head. Let's break that down. Of course it's in my head. It's a fucking neurological disorder.

NEUROLOGICAL as in of and relating to the brain.  

I don't know about you but I keep my brain in my head. Mumma nature gave me a handy, dandy skull case to carry it in. 

Despite all my attempts to bash it in over the years, throwing my body down stairs, or head butting fire extinguishers. It's held up pretty well.

Oh that's not what you mean? You think it's pschomalogikal? What all Freudian, saying one thing and meaning your mother! Ah the arm chair psychiatrists, who got their degrees from Google, but haven't quite realised that bodies of knowledge get up dated and terms like conversion disorder, psychogenic, psychomatic are harmful, stigmatising. People stop reading at psycho.  

You're making it up, faking it up. Crack open a text book, amateur and medical professional alike. Open your minds , learn. 

Each day we gain more knowledge about how the body and brain are connected.  

The FND brain and body are wired a little bit wonky. Hardware working but software is glitching. Each day science progresses a little bit more, while there's no quick fix, magic bullet or cure, I can tell you what helps. Believe us, trust its all real, each day; pain, fatigue, seizures, fog.  

I implore let's keep our brains in our heads. Educate yourself rather than risk talking out your arse.