Tuesday 30 April 2024

#NaPoWriMo2024 #day30 #medusaatthesalon

Medusa at the salon

The debate raged

on social media

would you rather

your daughter

was alone in the woods

with a man or bear?


In the salon

they turn to me

no-one looks me

in the eye of course,

but my advice to women

be more terrifying…


then either.


Monday 29 April 2024

#napowrimo2024 #day29 #albatross

More likely to ask
does it come with waifers? 
It's not that I diss Swift,
I'm just more metal than pop,
I prefer dropping rhymes 
with cursed mariners.
A Coleridge Cutie - 
rather than Sweetheart Swiftie.