Thursday, 30 April 2020

NaPoWrMo 2020, Day 30, Taurean Woman

Taurean Woman

emotionally strong
Bring it on.

pressure tests
she won't crumble.

independent looking
for new projects.

how to 
get things done.

loyalty itself
through and through.

dissapointed if
it's not reciprocated.

internally very
active needs distraction

seeks company
wants meaningful connections.

artistic, inspired
by nature's beauty.

when creating,
wordsmithing or crafting.

genuine, facades
won't impress her.

around issues.  
Or being manipulative.

to temper, 
wow it's memorable.

you try
grabbing her horns.

earthy, sensual,
Think the Empress.

to know
you're REALLY okay.

sometimes a
little passive agrresive.

until pulled
back to love.

intelligent book
smart, heart smart.

her knowledge
practically and efficiently.

a tough 
mother, she will

stand for
your bull shit.

financially, savvy
craves comfort security.

of nice
things, not miserly.

It that
We can agree

a fair
description of me.

Bit of a cheat the prompt was something that comes every year and we're hitting the birthdays of all the Taurean Women including Sheree, Hazel and Judy.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day, Hard and getting harder all the time

Hard and getting harder all the time

Victor approves of
being my muse.  In these hard
times he's going to 
start charging, he reminds me
Nuggets, hay don't grow on trees.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 28, Not Circling Back

Photo by Laura Hood

Not circling back

an ancient
mystical arrangement, just

leftover from
the coastal defences.

always said
spaces become sacred

used for
a sacred purpose.

Saturday closest
to the sabbat

Seasonal turnings
of the wheel.

teaches us
everything is transitional.

Rob’s ashes
wind lashing, hurling

back in
our faces, up

sleeves.  Knowing
that this cycle,

here, surrendering
to that peace.

Monday, 27 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 28, Highly protective plastic banana guard.

Highly protective plastic banana guard.

Pro - Protects bananas.

Con - ONLY bananas shaped exactly like the banana guard.

Con - Leads to very embarrassing conversation with your son's science teachers when you discover it was confiscated because she thought he'd brought in a sex toy.

Con - Mortification puts boy off bananas for life.

Sunday, 26 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 26, Weather Comes Third

Of course the weather is glorious while we self isolate. Those of us blessed with gardens are hardening off the seeds we started indoors with new appreciation for how we need direct sunlight to stop getting leggy.

I give thanks to the builders.  The lantern roof, created more safe pace to shield. The house's siren call  returned them all to its sheltered harbour.

This year we've missed chips on the sea wall on the April bank holiday, but that's lockdown.  A pandemic is no respecter of custom.

The gardeners talk about how the seagulls are eating up the seedlings, like a salad buffet now there's no easy pickings from discarded take out or opportunistic panini thefts.

I dreamt of being an actress, dancer, singer and all seems to be panning out in unexpected ways as now at forty something.  I'm doing turns, interpretative dance and improv on Zoom.  Better late then never.

Thursday's we can be found on the street, clapping, banging pots and pans and seeing neighbours we never knew we had.  

I hope after all this is over we keep exporting diamonds in the clay.  Keep all these best parts of this experience; looking out for each other, learning new things, using tech to to include those socially excluded.

Rainbows and bears in windows, chalked messages, gentlest graffiti, thanking key workers, who went from unskilled to essential over night.

My lovely Lud, who hopefully asks at every Sabbat is this the one with all the sex will be pleasantly surprised to learn, yes YES Beltane draws near my lover. The later, by necessity whispered huskily in a West Country accent.

Of course conspiracy theories abound in these uncertain times and part of me wishes that it was some secret shadowy cabal, a villian that we could defeat but seriously I think we're the bad guys  Our crass over consumption, maybe it is Gaia showing us that when our life is imminently on the line, then, then we will ground planes.

Isolation games include dressing the rainbow and posting selfies on Facebook and I know it's Sunday as I have to put on a red dress.  There will be a roast dinner later and I swear these things are the only anchor I have to the passage of time 

I remember the beach the stone circle, the little painted houses, the strange art installations, the pebbles I helped collect, painted, were arranged into poppies, then eventually thrown back into the sea.  The outcry when they were, by people clearly not involved and did not understand that transience was built into the design.  The red eco paint that stubbornly refused to fade, clearly did not get the memo either.

William Harvey notable physician and
Folkestonian who discovered the blood circulation system.  Always made me wonder what we did to pump blood around the body before his scientific discovery.  Straws and gravity?

Outside my window there seems to be more birds.  I don't think there are but slowing down and less distractions. I think we're just more aware and the grass needs cutting but I lent out the mower and picking it up certainly isn't a necessity.

Today's headline will be Corona related.  It may well pass me by.  I nibble a little the government briefing but I'm trying to be kind to my mind and consume less news. 

I can't remember the last handwritten letter I received but this morning's group chat records the visitation from Chucky's mum and how it was nice of her to pop by (shame about the scalping).

I seldom green screen my Zoom meetings. The world and his wife can see the herds of magnificent unicorns that bunker down with me in the little bedroom come office come mystical menagerie.

Peaking from the book case, "Carrot Tops and Cotton Tails", "Gruffalo" all the Harry Potter's.  They were saved during the cull when we sorted out those we were willing to release back into the wild.  We left certain tomes as a crumb trail for grand babies (that I am, so, so ready to receive).

There's a back alley between us and the rec and I spy nettles, brambles, holly and a massive thistle, all prickly to deter people pilfering from the garages and I thought about foraging the nettles but worry about dog taking potty breaks.

At the border stands my lover.  Rummaging lorries and asking the drivers to step down from the cab.  Hoping for contraband rather than human cargo.

We've different fears right now.  People standing too close. Faling ill and dying alone.  Keyworkers at risk without PPE.  Losing loved one.  Panic buying and scarcity.  I worry about how easy it will be to get back to normal and do we want to return to normal?  Commutes and busyness.

Postcard perfect, the mermaid still sits upon her rock. Silent sentinel waiting until this too passes.  Acknowledging the lighthouse dictate that weather comes third to place and time.

Saturday, 25 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 25, Lori's Lockdown Festival

Little boxes
Some galleried
Some speaker view
"Siri Play That Funky Music"
"White Boooooyyyy" I interject.

Other Jenny
From the block
Rocking pink nylon wig
Sam's blue sequinned bum
Lori's ginger tom steals the show
Rae and Mr Rae drop tunes.

When the lights dip low
candles are lit
Fairy lights imbue the night
With twinkles and ambiance
Laughter echoes
Lori's lockdown festival
Is it Glasto?
Not quite but close
You don't even have to leave
Your own home.

Friday, 24 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 24, Gobbling Fruit.

Illustration by Arthur Rackham

Gobbling Fruit

overtly erotic
symbolising sexual temptation

falls to
wiley goblin seduction

and jostling
torn gown, stockings

to remind
any young woman

are not 
the only fruit

Thursday, 23 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 23, POET

Image via Pixabay

P is top heavy, it’s weighty brain pregnant with possibilities.
O rounded like the ooh of that a eureka image.
E a broken rake trailing through forms to express.
T slouching across the table scribbling verse.

The poet plunders each and every letter they are able.
Regurgitating them endlessly for NaPoWriMo every April.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 22, Three Dutch Idioms Walk Into a Poem

Image via pixabay

Three Dutch idioms walk into a poem.

Met de deur in huis vallen

As if an angel 
was peeing into her mouth.
Enjoying her drink.

Alsof er een engeltje over je tong piest

To fall with your nose
in butter, you were at the
right time and right place.

Met zijn neus in de boter vallen

To fall with the door
Into the house.   He got straight
to the point alright

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 21 Stocial Majesty.

Image via Pixabay

Stocial Majesty

Her stocial Majesty overtook her that night.
Hoarder mind zealot lovingly germinated.
The day vandal vandalised my hope then looked blithely up.
Behold her still, daringly, all heart blood voracious.
War each night cannot be brokered, a spears hit.
Night games vacancy even gracious maraschino veracity, zero hear.

Today's prompt was to write a poem based on the sounds in a foreign language poem.  

The poet I was inspired by was Gerda Blees and her poem Stoerste Meisje. Which you can find here.  I've only done the first verse but recommend the poem it was a good read,

I love how Stoerste Meisje translates as strongest girl and Stocial Majesty still conjures quiet strength.

Monday, 20 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 20, Mix Tape

 Image via Pixabay 

Every time I opened my work locker
I hoped I wouldn't find one.
Apprehensively I would turn the key
On top of my neatly folded uniform
I would find another one.

The ultimate "school boy" complement.
I hoped I wouldn't find one.
It's just you see he was two decades older
I didn't know interpret, heart sinking
I would find another one.

Tried reaching out to a manager
I hoped I'd find a sympathetic one
Advised I should be flattered
don't make a fuss or lead him on
excuses for male entitlement.
I would always find another one.

Well that went to a dark and twisty place. Today's prompt asks us to write a poem about a handmade or homemade gift.  one of the suggestions was a mix-tape from an old partner and it reminded me of a discussion I had with a friend recently about being socialised into accepting shitty behaviours from men.

Sunday, 19 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 19, Round and Round the Garden.

                 Image via Pixabay

Round and round the garden
like a Jenny bear. Shielding 
mum, forgoing the walk.
Blessed with a garden, blossom
falls like snow, promise of pears.

Pear symbolises 
hope and friendship, we need both.
Bow and leave a stone.
Seeking permission, taking
a sprig.  Prompt to text a friend.

Today's prompt was to create a poem based on a walking archive, more information here.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 18, The Stackhouse Filibuster

"Let me tell you something, don't ever ever underestimate the will of a grandfather. We're madmen, we don't give a damn, we got here before you and they'll be here after. We'll make enemies, we'll break laws, we'll break bones, but you will not mess with the grandchildren."

President Bartlett: The West Wing 
The Stackhouse Filibuster.
Resolute, reading 
card rules, recipes
He could not hang his bauble.
Stands underestimated. 

Today's prompt was small pleasures and I took inspiration from the pleasure of re-watching a favourite episode of a series you love.

Friday, 17 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 17, Try telling the young people today.

not quite
drinking a cup 

sulphuric acid.
Not working twenty-nine 

a day
down mine, paying

owner for
permission to come

work. BUT,
trying to explain

bloody agony
of waiting for

to connect.
The taunting little 

it trilled.
Being booted off 

mam wanted
to phone Aunt 

Torture sheer 
torture. But you
and tell
the young people 

won't believe ya. 

Today's prompt was to write a poem about obsolete technology.  Obviously paying homage to

Thursday, 16 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 16, I Just Called To Say I Glub You.

I just called to say I glub you.

I'm really sorry
that I can't wax lyrical, on
your innumerable
charms, but it's the first day back
I'm drowning in emails. Glub.

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 15, Covid On Their Minds

Covid on their Minds

Dum, dum, dum, dum, de, dum.
Are our minds any clearer now?
Frantic Googling how far is Hangzhou from Wuhan
467 miles but he’s in the Philippines.
No he’s coming home.  Adventure Boy is coming home.
Philippines – Hong Kong – Russia – London – Home.

Believe or disbelieve all the things we hear.
Try to strip away the myth from the truth.
Social media stream full of fake news.
Boris has it now and he rises Easter Sunday
Are we set on fire? for a new messiah 
Or a very naughty man who couldn’t follow …

His own advice – admiration growing or dying?
Who would run the country if he had been a carpenter?
We need to keep in our place 
Some shout “stay safe stay inside”. Protect your loved ones.
Others fret about handing over liberty or
fear global economic catastrophe.

All with too much Covid on their minds
But at least all hallowed Andrew Loydd Webber.
Broadcasts a musical every week.
It’s quite frankly a welcome relief.
Though God shakes his fist and complains
“He never pays me any bloody royalties”

Today's prompt was to write a poem inspired by music.  I listened to "Too Much Heaven On Their Minds"  from Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Jesus Christ Superstar".  Which has continued to ear worm me since laster Thursday.

When full stream of consciousness.  This is where I ended up.  Very minimal tarting the piece up after!

Dum, dum, dum, dum, de, dum.

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 14, Under the influence.

Under the influence

Anger with
friends and foes

Lady Lazarus
rising from ashes

Hating you
all the while

Today’s optional prompt asks to think about your own inspirations and forebears (whether literary or otherwise). Specifically we're challenged today to write a poem that deals with the poems, poets, and other people who inspired you to write poems. These could be poems/poets/poeple that you strive to be like, or even poems, poets, and people that you strive not to be like. There are as many ways to go with this prompt as there are ways to be inspired.

The first three poets that popped into my mind were William Blake, Sylvia Plath and Wendy Cope.

Monday, 13 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020 Day 13: Sorry not sorry

Sorry not sorry

I’m not saying that
I am responsible for
the miracle of
her birth.  Her fab mummy does
warrant a mention of course.

If I get a bit
proprietary and steal
ALL the baby hugs. 
It’s okay.  It’s the coin for
having the best faux aunty.

In the world!  The lil
chicken does concur could not
wait to meet me
that is why we share the same
birthday.  She steals my heart and

I steal all the hugs
I think I should be lauded
magnanimous I’ve
been known to share hugs, allowing
others at least five minutes.

Today's prompt was to write a non-apology for the things you’ve stolen.  I

Sunday, 12 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020 Day 12: Gratitude Grounds Us

Gratitude Grounds Us

Gratitude grounds us in times like these.
It's true I've much to be thankful for.
We isolate to protect from this disease.
Gratitude grounds us in times like these.
I garden, see more butterflies and bees.
Others take an hours walk outdoors.
Gratitude grounds us in times like these.
It's true I've much to be thankful for.

Today's prompt was to write a triolet an eight line poem, but with five original lines, and some repeated lines, giving the triolet a rhyming scheme ABaAabAB, where capital letters indicate repeated lines.

Saturday, 11 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 11: Garland Speech

Garland Speech

"There's rosemary, that's for remembrance, pray you, love, remember."

your love
bid you follow.

grew rosemary
by my backdoor.

hard an
fervently "remember me".

will I
do with my

Mournings? "Grown
for two ends".

sagely advised
bridall or burriall.

is perennial.
It pays dividends.

Today's prompt was to create a poem in which one or more flowers take on specific meanings. 

I've always found Ophelia's garland speech particularly poignant and doing a little research around the symbolic meaning of Rosemary discovered that Herrick had a poem that reflects rosemary's use in both bridal bouquets and burial wreaths.

Friday, 10 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 10: Mindfulvie By The Sea

Mindfulvie by the sea inspired me.

huddle on
Zoom. New connections.

our inspiration
shares her acrostic.

Grab my
pen, get creative.

Live in
it. Each second.

Seek out
people and words.

Get outside.
Ground and breathe.

Visualise everyday
Unfolding in beauty.

Universe it
has your back.

Everyone is
doing their best.

Yourself exactly
as you are.

Undertake daily
self care practice.

Movement, pleasure
bodies, not punish.

Journaling, gratitudes,
write forgiveness letters.

Concede what
you can't control.

So today's prompt was to create a hay(na)ku, a variant on the haiku. A hay(na)ku consists of a three-line stanza, where the first line has one word, the second line has two words, and the third line has three words. You can write just one, or chain several together into a longer poem. 

Today's image was the acrostic writing that I had created after attending an online Zoom meeting run by Sue Perrett called the "Holistic Huddle".  Today's guest speaker was Vicky Eldridge who had shared her own acrostic mindfulness writing.

I wrote my mindfulness acrostic writing before reading today's NaPoWriMo prompt but found that what I had written would really translate well into the hay (na) ku.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 9, Mama Moon

Prompt for the day write a “concrete” poem – a poem in which the lines and words are organized to take a shape that reflects in some way the theme of the poem.

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 8: I am not ready for anything to happen

I am not ready
for anything to happen.
Uncertain times have robbed
us of routine; hours, days and weeks.
Merge like a child's paint pallette.

Muddled and muddied,
all definition is lost.
Technology tries
to connect, but we still we
hunger from touch starvation.

Today's prompt was to use a poetry bot to generate our first line.  Of course I chose Sylvia Plath Bot.

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 7, Muddying The Waters

Cocaine Hippos

Drug lords legacy, 
breeding exponentially.
Invasive species,
for pollution were blamed, now
eco-engineers proclaimed.

Prompt: Write a poem on an odd news story.

It's a tiny Tanka as I've had a bit of a headache.  

Read more about Cocaine Hippos here

Monday, 6 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020, Day 6: The 500-Year-Old Butt Song from Hell

Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights
Photo via: Wikimedia

I was a failed rock god in my prior life.
I could flatter pretty women.
But I was talking out my butt.
I'm not sure what offended the Gods?
My impropriety, my callousness or lack of anything actual resembling talent?

No doubt they think it's funny.
Crushing me with this heavy arsed lute.
While tattooing sheet music on my buns.
I fail to see the humour, I might have tooted my own horn.
Claiming credit that wasn't mine, is that really a sin?

It's true I was a joke as both a man and a musician.
However, if you think the tunes good, I will acknowledge it as my own original masterpiece.
Proudly play up audience about my struggle for my art.
Phonenix laughs last she always saw me as an arsehole.

This was the prompt that kept on giving.  Oklahoma Christian University student Amelia Hamrick  transcribed and recorded the music written on the derrière of a tortured soul crushed by a lut in Hieronymus Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights.

Today’s (optional) prompt is ekphrastic in nature – but rather particular! Today, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem from the point of view of one person/animal/thing from Hieronymous Bosch’s famous (and famously bizarre) triptych The Garden of Earthly Delights

Sunday, 5 April 2020

NaPoWriMo2020, Day 5 Victor's Memoirs

Guinea pigs are intrepid explorers
Smol but mighty.
Stroke their furry pear bums.
Battle wheeking as the fridge door opens.
Noses twitching adventure sniffing, mainly hay and nug nugs.
See them bravely run away like old soldiers.
Tasting greasy like duck (according to Sue)
I always suspected they would taste of squirming terror.

Victor, is a guinea pig. He has a Russian accent. He doesn’t like to range far from home.

Donald Trump is a tosser. Twitter is his mouthpiece ergo he is a big dumb bird.
There are big lumps of pig in this kefir.
The courteous arrow of his modesty, well-aimed but never hitting the mark, flies crooked and askew.

Victor had made his living as a toupee stand-in for the 45th, though granted political amnesty and indefinite leave to remain.
His handler, Queenie, keeps him safe in her bosom.
She will scribe his memoirs.  They will shock the world, like angry custard.
You, gentle reader, will quiver in your palm tree.
C’est juste la façon dont il est
My lap top shivers in anticipation.
The recalcitrant bolt falls at my feet.

Saturday, 4 April 2020

NaPowWriMo Day 4 A Woman's Work

A Woman's Work

I dreamt that all the Music department
lived in a shared house.
It seemed a hopping bachelor pad,
which is odd as I know most are married.
But this is a dream and the office
often seems like a frat house.
When I joined the team, colleague? House mother? Who knows?
They welcomed me but warned ominously...
"Don't look in the box".
Women historically have issues,
both with curiosity and boxes.
It was an innocent looking, stout brown ottoman, for blankets I guessed or dirty linens.
Nothing of interest could possibly lie within.
But, women, boxes, curiosity, itching.
Nothing will do but to scratch, so I flip the lid.
I'm surprised to find the corpse of a cheerleader.
Grey skin clashes with her shiny plastic purple pom poms.
Though I had opened the lid silently.
It seems that tresspases are clamarous.
Above the lid of the box I see they've gathered, nervously waiting my reaction.
Before I can respond, Karl interjects, "We didn't kill her she just died here".
I'm not sure if I am meant to be comforted that it's only a dead girl not a murdered girl.
"Why didn't you report it". I choke the words out.
Ian explains, "We all thought someone would do it, but no one did it, then it had been undone for so long it seemed too late to do anything".
Not sure I follow the logic, but before I can say anything. Ian adds.
"Now your here maybe you can deal with it".
The scenes cuts to me, burying ottoman, girl, pom poms and all in the backgarden. 
I then plant over with petunias.
Pondering why women take on all the emotional labour in the workplace.

Friday, 3 April 2020

NaPoWriMo Day 3 The Wilding Mother / The Smothered Mother

The Wilding Mother

Full figured woman clasps her femininity
Inspires us all to us to create an affinity
With all that is wild and free in our nature
Chisel our paths like a slow-moving glacier
Creativity she inspires us to nurture
Compassion unearthed as we search for
The unconditional love she offers in abundance
She bowls us over despite our reluctance
Overwhelmed with her beauty
Protecting Gaia is our sacred duty

The Smothered Mother

Too little respect testifies our negligence
Profit over planet shows a lack of intelligence
Choking the earth until each field is barren
Too many hunters led to white heron
Greed is the cause of all this disharmony
We’ve pimped out the globe for cheap harlotry 
Pointing fingers is useless as is endless quarrel
As the fate of the world hangs over a barrel 
Disconnection and inaction are the difficulty
Mother lead us back to loving you unconditionally

Today's NaPoWriMo prompt asks us use of the resource for the day Rhymzone. First, make a list of ten words. You can generate this list however you’d like – pull a book  off the shelf and find ten words you like, name ten things you can see from where you’re sitting, etc. Now, for each word, use Rhymezone to identify two to four similar-sounding or rhyming words. For example, if my word is “salt,” my similar words might be “belt,” “silt,” “sailed,” and “sell-out.”

I used the Empress tarot card for inspiration looking at the key words associated with the card in upright and reversed positions. and tried to use true rhymes for the upright position and near rhymes for the reversed position.  

Thursday, 2 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020 - Day 2

The prompt today was to “write a poem about a specific place"

Living in the living room

In the living room we're prone
Isolated but not alone
Casual glances at our phones
Day time telly softly drones

At the backdoor dad wistfully stares
Pear trees blossoms yet to bear
Tumbler dries our underwear
Lu's caught in sleeps gentle snare

On my phone I'm gently tapping
Poems while my husbands napping
No strangers at our door are rapping
Thankfully, no ravens flapping

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

NaPoWriMo 2020 - Day 1

Baking Vegan Lemon Drizzle Cake
(In the time of Corona)

Pre heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.
Oil a 1lb loaf tin and line it with baking parchment.
Mix the flour, sugar, baking powder and lemon zest in a bowl…

Shit no lemons in the fruit bowl.
Over ripe bananas chide me.
“Waste not want not in times of Corona”.

Imagining the war time spirit of my Nana’s.
Who’d counsel when life gives you no lemons, make no drizzle,
Or you can’t cry over un-spilled juice.

Instead I make banana bread
With chocolate chips, comfort, frugality and making do.
All in one loaf tin.